Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 9 - Trekking Day 2

Roosters crowing first at about 4:30am and then again at about 7:30am meant I couldn't copy with the wooden mattress anymore so up I hopped to take some photos of the sunrise. It turned out many of the others felt the same as me so most got up and headed out to take photos then too.
Toast and jam was fed to us before we bid farewell to the two day trekkers of the group and headed off for our second day of walking.
Despite the boys having spent a lot of the prior evening drinking again (and some smoking opium!) they were a lot more lively which made for lots of hilarity as they turned out to all be a pretty crazy lot of guys.
The highlight of the day was when we'd just set off from a village after lunch and our guides suddenly became quite excited and it transpired they were chasing a 6ft (!!!) water snake. Jo kept shouting "My food!" as he raced along the streams edge after it. Eventually they beat it enough with a stick that they were able to grab it even though it was still alive. Everyone got to have a touch of it and of course I had to squeal like a right girl when it was my turn.
Where we were staying that night was some bungalows at a waterfall so upon arriving, those of us that dared to brave the cold water had a shower under the falls. It was effing FREEZING but well worth it as after two days of walking in the heat there was plenty of sweat to wash off.
Another delicious dinner was prepared for us and then later while sitting around the campfire we got to try snake. They had cut it lengthways and then beat it before rubbing spices into it and slowly BBQing it. Now, for the past two days whenever talking about food in any shape or form the joke was that the guides would always say "it tastes like cheeekin". But really, snake DOES taste like chicken! Combined with a bit of fish flavour. I was quite impressed I have to say, as we all were.
I didn't last long around the campfire after my sleep deprivation the night before so I headed to my bungalow with my two sets of blankets and mattresses and managed to fall asleep to the soothing sound of the falls drowning out the beer fuelled laughs from around the campfire.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe