Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 11 - Lazy Sunday

After having only a few hours sleep, the only thing to do was hang out by the pool all day. I did manage to send off some emails and waste a fair bit of time on the net so that I a sense of achieving something for the day before lazing around doing nothing.
While the guys from the trek went wandering around town us girls stayed behind topping up our tans, sipping fruit smoothies and diving into the pool every half hour or so to cool off. Now that's what I call holidaying! Slightly different to my previous Sunday spent in Melbourne but still a pretty great way to spend the day.
After some cocktails by the pool we headed to dinner then along to check out the famous Sunday markets. Well, they were VERY impressive, mainly due to the sheer number of people there. It was absolutely packed. I was on the lookout for some white 3/4 fisherman pants but didn't seem to be having any joy until right before we were about to leave I found some for 70 baht. A steal!
Back at the BMP resident the remaining bunch of trekkers had a last drink together before final goodbyes were said. I'd been very lucky to have met such a great bunch of people and look forward to visiting them all in their home countries.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe