Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 24 - Last Night Out

Not surprisingly it took most of the day for the guys to rise so I finally got the blog completely up to date and then went and made the slackers get up so we could actually DO something.
The guys had to book transport back to Bangkok and then take the scooters back so that was our missions for the day. Taking the scooters back turned into an ordeal as Niall and Sean had crashed their one so it had a few scrapes etc on it which gave the guy reason to charge them an arm and a leg. They finally haggled down the price they all agreed on and we got out of there quick smart. Seriously though, it's unbelievable the amount of people you'll see/hear about having crashed their scooters. Generally it'll be after a night out on the buckets at Haad Rin and they'll have been driving home trying to negotiate the nasty nasty roads out of there. Niall and Sean actually came off fairly lightly judging by some of the horror stories we heard and white bandages we saw on people all over the place.
Being our last night on the island we geared ourselves up for a night out, somehow first off ending up at the Thai Boxing AGAIN. I was bored out of my mind for most of it but thankfully there was some serious eye candy to the right of me so I had my eyes trained on that rather than the fight for most of the time. Oops!
When we got to Haad Rin the boys decided they were hungry again so just happend to go to a restaurant that had a bloody Manchester United game playing much to my horror. Sitting in a divy place watching soccer was definitely not how I envisaged spending my last night out in Koh Phangan. Thankfully we didn't last too long there but once we got down to the beach we were disappointed to find that once again there was no music or lights. Just thousands of drunk people sitting on the sand playing drinking games. So what could we do but grab ourselves some buckets and start out own game. We had a serious few hours of "I never" and a revealing and sometimes very embarrassing few hours they were! But a good way to have some laughs at any rate.
The laughs ended for me there as the hours wore on and I got soberer as the guys got drunker meaning it was impossible to keep tabs on them all. Finally after the sun had well and truly come up I managed to find two of my drunken charges to get them home. Bit of a de javu situation really.
It was a shame that we missed the actually Full Moon Party by a day and the days leading up to it weren't the usual madness like we'd experienced on my first night down there. I imagine it'll be a fairly quiet party on the actual night as there will have been a lot of people in the same situation as us with just not being able to stay on any extra days. Never mind, I still had a great week on Koh Phangan, mainly due to being able to spend it with three "grand lads" as they'd say.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe