Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 15 - Valentines Day

It was Valentines Day and I awoke next to my grandparents in Thailand - not the typical way to begin the day of love by any means. But I wasn't complaining. Nor was I complaining at the buffet breakfast where I had enough food to keep me going all day and I certainly wasn't complaining as I lazed by the pool all day reading and taking a dip when the heat got too much.
It was Don's turn to be host for dinner and he'd left our destination in the hands of Mark, their taxi "friend". Everyone was giving him grief for not knowing where we were headed and when the driver turned up (late) with a tuk tuk taxi the ladies all panicked. In their eyes the taxi was not safe and so they shrieked and carried on the whole way there which I found quite amusing.
The driver ended up doing well and picking, although a very touristy spot, a beachfront restaurant and everyone was more than happy with their meals. The clan were so funny with the kids coming around selling flowers and things as they were complete suckers and didn't have the hearts to say no most of the time so we were laden with necklaces and roses by the end of the night.
Being V Day, quite a show was put on when, out of nowhere, a big fireworks display was put on for us all and then later you could release big rice paper lanterns into the sky which Aunty Lo did for some lost loved ones. They were beautiful as you could see them in the sky for ages and so it looked like it was dotted with red stars all night.
The same carry on went on when we got tuk tuks back, all of them horrified at the fact that I wasn't holding on to anything for the trip home.
Back at the resort I bid farewell to them all as it was an early start for me in the morning. I'd been very fortunate to be welcomed into their party for two nights, enabling me to live a bit of a high life before going back to my backpacker lifestyle.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe