Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 23 - Recuperating

The four of us were all under the weather with none of us emerging from bed until after 3pm and staying in a zombie like state for most of the day. We didn't even managed to make it in the water for a swim, just had a very subdues 4pm breakfast at the Coco Hut before watching the guys Ko Tao diving video at a divy bar. It got me really looking forward to doing my dive course next week though!
Amongst our scooter travels Sean had spotted a bar playing a football game he wanted to watch so we headed there for some drinks and then Roger and I left the less adventurous eaters there and went next door for a splendid buffet Thai BBQ meal. I'd been feeling like fish ball soup for ages and that was the main thing you could make aside from cooking the meat so I went to town eating more than my fair share of the soup.
Our favourite spot, the Coco Hut, was our next stop for some cocktails before Rog and I called it a night while the other two boys decided to head to Haad Rin. It was meant to be the night of the Full Moon Party but due to local elections the party has been moved to the 24th. The boys said when they arrived home at some ungodly hour in the morning, that the beach had no music, no fire dancers, no fireworks and no lights. Just people sitting on the beach drinking so it sounded like a completely different vibe to usual. Still, a good sleep was what I needed so am glad I didn't venture out, plus it gave the guys a chance to meet some girls as when I'm with them it decreases their chances of meeting any by about 99.9% they reckon. Ooops!

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe