Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 29 - Sick as a Dog

I awoke feeling ok and got straight up to get ready since we'd planned to get a reasonably early start to enable us to see all Gaudi had to offer in Barcelona. Well things started to go downhill pretty quickly for me once I reached the bathroom and started getting changed. I started getting the sweats and was feeling pretty dizzy so got out of the confined toilet space thinking I'd feel better in a bit of fresher air. This was not the case unfortunately, just making it out into the corridor before I collapsed in a heap on the floor just as one of the Spanish guys from the previous night was coming past. I couldn't see for a few moment and was feeling like I could be sick meanwhile the Spanish guy is trying to get me to get up and go to our dorm room (and kindly picked up my underwear from the floor that I'd managed to drop while I was having my slight episode). I eventually managed to gather up enough strength to make it back into our dorm and that is about all I could manage for most of the day.

I sent Nico and Kelly off to go and see the sights without me but every hour or so I'd feel like I was feeling better so get up to go check the net or get a water and each time the effort was so much that I'd have to head back to our dorm after a few minutes so I could collapse back into bed. It was not a fun day I can tell you, and the strangest thing was it wasn't even like it was a hangover as a.) I don't really get hangovers and b.) I hadn't drunk THAT much the previous night to warrant me feeling so horrific.

Eventually at about 5pm I managed to suck it up enough to head outside and meet up with Nico and Kelly for a bite to eat and a few drinks before we made our way back to the hostel to watch the Euro quarter finals between Germany and Russia. I was feeling much better and managed to hoe into a bottle of wine in preparation for our second night of fiesta with the Spanish boys.

Our fiesta ended up being heading down the Playa Barceloneta and drinking on the beach while the boys had wrestling matches, swims, kisses with 15 year old girls and other such shenanigans. It was a good laugh and I was glad I'd managed to perk up enough to make it out for our last night in Spain.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe