Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 26 - Exploring the Island

Being our last day on Ibiza we'd decided to hire a car to enable us to explore the island a bit in hope of finding some beautiful beaches that I'd been promised Ibiza had. We certainly weren't disappointed as it delivered not one beautiful beach but numerous stunners and even inland was amazing too.

The first cove was only fairly small with quite a rocky beach but the crystal clear waters and lack of houses surrounding it is what made it special and the fact that there were barely any people there helped too! Beach number two, Cala San Vicente, was where we chose to stop for lunch and it was just the kind of beach we'd been looking for with stretching golden dunes, clear blue water, nice and sheltered and it even ha a few waves crashing on the shore to make it a bit exciting. It was probably a good thing it was our last day on the island or we would have been wishing we were staying there rather than in our crappy area. I'd definitely say to anyone who was going to Ibiza to stay there as it doesn't seem to be somewhere that would get to packed out and the town isn't too tacky, also it is within a reasonable taxi fares distance to the clubs which means you get the best of both worlds. The third beach, Cala Llonga we didn't find as nice as it was a lot busier and there was a bit of a wind blowing but I imagine take away those two factors and it'd be just as stunning as San Vicente. We did however manage to put those downers aside and manage to fit in a siesta on the sand without too much trouble.

We pushed on through the beautiful countryside of the island which is very dry with a lot of pine trees, whitewashed houses and olive groves. Last stop was out on a peninsula which is home to the lighthouse and had views across to the Ibiza old town where the sun was lowering over the hill giving it a golden halo. All in all, our car hire day was well worth it as we got to see the Ibiza that I'd heard the good things about which is worlds apart from the tacky tourist areas that most people who visit Ibiza only see. I was glad that I could head away from the island knowing that there are beautiful parts to it that I would even consider visiting again when I have more time to explore.

We only had time to quickly find something to take on the ferry for dinner before the gates closed on us which turned out to be a bit of a bummer as we didn't get to explore the old town at all or prepare for the overnight journey on the ferry. Crucial! We positioned ourselves on the lounger chairs on the partially open deck, even though the engine noise was a little deafening but we thought at least we'd have somewhere to lye as we attempted to get some winks later in the evening.

It turned out to be an interesting evening all in all as we had a reggae dj play a set next to us, we watched a group of boys play football on the deck of the boat in pretty much complete darkness and finally we froze ourselves as we attempted to sleep away the hours. Not a very pleasant nights sleep by any stretch of the imagination, in fact it made the train journey into Portugal seem like heaven in comparison.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe