Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 25 - Doing Not Much

After our late night out we weren't really keen for much of an action packed day, although I did manage to drag myself out of bed in time to go and join Nico for the last half of the All Blacks vs England game being shown at a pub down the road. That was about all the excitement for the day though as we just opted for another day of lazing in the pool on lilos. Best way ever to spend the day recovering after a night out!
We did manage to get ourselves together in the evening and go out for a meal at a Chinese restaurant on our strip. I decided to go for a green curry and this turned out to be not such a wise idea as it wasn't so much as a Thai green curry but a lovely fluro green coloured curry type thing, not very appetising looking believe me. It was made bearable by the fact that we had a nice setting on a balcony that looked out to sea and we were able to watch as the sun set across the water. Aww.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe