Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 9 - Impromptu Concerts

Being a fairly small town and having seen all the sights the previous day meant we had nothing in particular to do but laze about and eat for the day. Thankfully the sun was shining so we found a pozzy on a grass slope and soaked up the rays, the only time I really moved being when I went on an iceblock mission. Living the hard life huh! Eventually I got restless and had a wander down to the old bridge running across to the new town which had impressive views back up to the old town with the cathedral being very prominent amongst the rooftops.
We´d seen a stage was being set up in Plaza Mayor and had found a program of the festival that was running in the town to see what was playing on the stage and when, discovering that it was some sort of band on at 10pm so we figured we may as well check it out, especially being free! It turned out to be a Spanish rock band and it was well worth the look as there was quite a crowd and it was good fun rocking away to a totally random concert and we were even able to sing along to some of the choruses as their lyrics were all in English.
We opted for another plaza meal once the concert was over since we´d been pleased with ours the night before and we then followed it with a drink back at a bar opposite where we had left our bags. Our hostel owner had very kindly let us leave our bags in our room until our train at 4am at no extra cost to our first nights accommodation, bless! Nico and Kelly started to fade about 2am despite the romantic couples waltzing around us and the barman bellowing out Spanish love songs, so they sloped back to the room for a quick nap.
I decided I would be better off staying awake until the train rather than napping so I spent the next hour or so wandering about the streets amongst all the students partying away. I even went into a pumping night club at one point but after being hit on by a 40 something guy I decided to give it a miss and continue my wandering about the streets instead. What an alive place at that hour, especially considering it was a weeknight, there was even one crowd playing jump-rope along to someone playing the guitar, which I was really tempted to jump in on but of course chickened out. I wad definitely pleased with choosing the not sleeping option as I loved taking in the Spanish party scene, something they certainly do well.
Eventually it was time to meet Kelly and Nico at our taxi to take us to the train station. We´d hoped for a nice flash train with decent seats to sleep the morning away but sadly we discovered upon boarding that it was not the case. Our carrriage already had three people asleep in it and the seats did not make for a comfy journey at all, the first hour or so being somewhat hellish even.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe