Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 7 - Finishing off Madrid

Nico and I were needing our internet fix and Kelly was keen to relax so we went and did some uploading and catching up on things for a few hours. It always amazed me how easily a whole morning can be spent on the net after a period of time away from it. Especially when I have to type out this and have photos to upload and name!
Nico had discovered some markets during his wandering the day before so we went and got ourselves some veggies for lunch and dinner. I really adore markets and think that it is something NZ has a great lack of, especially considering the quality of our fresh produce. We were a bit late to get any fish before they all shut down for siesta so I´m writing this as we wait for it to reopen. I´m lying next to our wee balcony of our hostel´s room and there is warm sun shining onto me, a Spanaird across the alley is working on the refurbishment of the beautiful old apartments, I can hear a busker playing guitar in the Plaza up the street which is full of people sitting in the sun enjoying a vino and tapas, I can hear the click clack of heels on the paving stones a the Spanish women totter from store to store, I can hear the chatter and laughter of children and adults rushing by. What a combination of noises to make writing this such a pleasure. You could so easily just sit on our balcony and watch the goings on below for hours on end, especially in the evenings when even more buskers and people come out, making it that much more interesting to gaze at from above.
After our relaxing afternoon waiting for the markets to reopen Nico and decided we needed to acheive (our mother coming out in us) something with our day so we figured we´d head out to one of the only major sights we hadn´t seen yet, the Plaza de Castilla which are two leaning towers that put the leaning tower of Pisa to shame, having a lean twice that of Pisa. We were definitely pleased with ouselves for making the effort to go out there as they were certainly impressive examples of architecture. While we were out there we thought we may as well take a peek a the Real Madrid statium, something I´d never have considered pre living in the UK but you can´t help but get into the football spirit while in the northerm hemisphere.
Having acheived someting for the day and pretty much exhausted all the Madrid sights we were then happy to call it a night, ready for our next leg of travelling in the morning.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe