Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 23 - We're Going to Ibiza, Yeah!

We only had the morning left in Valencia so didn't have time for much but Kelly had been told about the markets so we decided to go and check them out before heading to the airport. Another impressive market to assault all our senses with the pungent smell of fish, the bright colours of the fruit stalls and the hustle and bustle of the shoppers requesting their purchases. We opted for some wraps and hummus to accompany our leftover couscous from the night before which we prepared in the garden at the airport while waiting for our plane to Ibiza. It was delish too!
I was wary from the start about going to Ibiza with its name for being a tacky party island with ridiculous priced transport to and from the island. I had however heard good reviews about it too but upon arriving there it was pretty much as I had feared so was left feeling a bit disappointed as I was desperately hoping for the good reviews to be correct. The hostel we'd booked into turned out to be overbooked so they ended up putting us in a hotel in a particularly tacky area of the island but for £13 a night we couldn't really complain too much.
Having spent the majority of the day in transit dinner time snuck up on us before we knew it and after trying to pick out a place to eat along the tacky strip along from our hotel we probably ended up at one of the tackiest of them all with Bee Gees blasting on the sound system, an English menu, English waiters and we were surround by English people. Yuck. I felt like I was back in Phuket!
After having seen what our area of the island had to offer I was crossing my fingers and toes that we would be able to escape the hell of the tourist trap the next day in search of something a little more authentic. Who'd have thought we'd actually be missing the Spanish signage!

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe