Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 8 - Thoughts of University

Avocado on toast made a perfect start to the day (even if we were without vogels bread) before making our way to Salamanca on our luxury bus. Salamanca is a beautiful university city which I immediately fell in love with, making me want to learn Spanish and go and study there with the many Americans and Spaniards that fill the uni´s roll call.
Arriving there fairly early in the day meant we were able to take in all the sights that the city had to offer in one afternoon due to its fairly small size. The Plaza Mayor is meant to be one of Spain´s most beautiful plaza´s and from what I have seen so far I would have to agree with that. Due to this we thought that what better place to have a cheesy plaza meal than there. We had to work up an appetite though so before our our legs were well and truly aching from our meandering we visited the stunning Catedral Vieja, the most breathtaking church I´ve ever set foot in and we of course had to see one of Salamanca´s compulsory sights as a tourist, the Universidad Civil with a beautiful entrance facade ornately engraved in sandstone but the compulsory part is that you have to spot the illusive frog sculpted into the facade. It is certainly tough to spot but after a few helpful hints from some American students nearby we were able to spot the wee fellow, supposedly giving ourselves endless good luck or they even say marriage within a year! Hmmm.
Our plaza drinks and meal may seem such a touristy thing to do but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves tasting the local cuisine and beverages they had to offer, not feeling like we were being sucked into the tourist scene too much. It far surpassed our expectations and was even within budjet even so we were all more than pleased with our day and evening in the charming city of Salamanca.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe