Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 32 - Final Day

My final day in Thailand I wanted to do some more shopping so as to make the most of cheap asian shopping. I'd been told by a few people that the weekend markets were worth checking out so that's where I headed. Well, I thought MBK was overwhelming but this was a whole other world.
It was a stinking hot day which didn't help things being outside so not having the relief of air con making it very sticky to say the least. The stuff there was all quite funky handmade fashion so was awesome browsing through it all. Unfortunately most of the girls stuff wasn't really my style (or size!) but the guys tshirts were outstanding. I didn't really have anyone to buy them for though so I just spent most of my time admiring all the different designs. I did buy myself an awesome handmade necklace and some sunglasses but that was the extent of my purchases there really, not for lack of wanting anything but I just had to limit myself (or luggage I should say!)
Eventually I had to escape the suffocating heat so waved down a cab and headed back to Koh San Road for some final purchases before having a nice cold shower to wash Bangkok's filth off me. I had my final street vendor meal - unfortunately unable to be accompanied by a final Singha as it was election day so no alcohol was allowed to be served. Bummer!
I managed, with some difficulty, to find a taxi that would take me to the airport on the meter rather than charging me 400 baht which is what most drivers were asking for. It was nice to not be ripped off on my final leg of the journey although I guess it would have been appropriate to have been.
The taxi driver said I was going too early having three hours before my flight but it turned out I needed every minute of those three hours. The airport was absolute chaos. There were queues EVERYWHERE so it took the whole time to get to the departure lounge, having about two minutes to spare when I got there. Phew!

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe