Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Update: Ideal Job

Since writing the blog post 'Ideal Job' (see here) I continued to think about this and realised what my ideal/dream job would in fact be. It is still within the realms of Media and Journalism too which is promising! So, I would love, love, love to be a travel show host. I'm actually having to wipe away drool just at the thought of it.
Now I am aware that there is quite a high likelihood that it's not nearly as glamourous as it appears when they are on television, but I do still think that it would be an amazing job. I cannot think of anything better than being paid to travel the world and pass on your experiences to your fellow citizens back home. The only con I can think of would be that you would be away from home a lot, even though this doesn't really bother me right now, I guess it could pose problems later on. Meh.
In my original 'Ideal Job' post I mentioned getting ideal monetary return in balance with job satisfaction. Now, in my books being PAID to be flown around the world and experiencing the local culture and different activities locations have to offer gives a pretty ideal job satisfaction/ideal monetary return ratio. I mean shit, people (including myself) generally SPEND their money doing these things, not get paid for it.
My problem is that I need to stop being such a lazy ass and actually start taking steps to reach a goal of mine... watch this space.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe