Monday, October 8, 2007


My Mum once told me (the precise details are a little hazy) that when I was a baby a family friend of ours was holding me and he said something along the lines of "this girl is going to have augur type abilities." I know it sounds ridiculous and I thought so too when she told me (and my mum being as much of a sceptic as me wouldn't have taken it to be true either).

Anyway, lately I've begin to wonder! No way do I think I can predict the future or any bullshit like that, but over the years quite a few things have occurred that I'd just known were going to happen. I'm aware that I probably sound like a raving lunatic about now, but it is seriously starting to creep me out (stop rolling your eyes Duncan). There's the old txting someone at exactly the same that they txt me that is at one end of the scale then there is the knowing what someone is going to say before they are going to say it and then, what really scares me the most, is when I dream things are going to happen before they do.

I suppose it all could just be some sort of weird coincidence each time it has happened but the frequency in which these things happen is what makes me wonder.

What the HELL, just now I was looking up something on and then there was a link saying "are you a psychic?". So of course I clicked on it and whadda ya know, the test result is shown in the screen print below....

I rest my case.

1 comment:

duncan said...

Wow, I flat with a pre-cog! Did you know I was going to post this comment?

The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe