Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Five boys and a Tui

Going to the mountain with five boys, only two of whom I knew, was quite a scary thought. But to my delight, it turned out to be quite a treat.
It was insisted that I sit in the front seat for the whole drive down where I was handed cold Corona's and toilet stops were only given upon my requests. When we finally made it to where we were staying, rock paper scissors was played for one of the double beds and the other left for me. I was woken up at 6am on Saturday morning to "Tui, breakfast is ready", whereupon I stumbled downstairs to find a full cooked breakfast laid out on the table ready to eat. Up the mountain they would all check to see if I was ok when I bailed and then wait for me after each run. The cherry on top was when we were out at the bar that night and I was being hit on by an extremely drunk snowboard instructor, where my bodyguards looked on and discussed giving him a beating before deciding to come and escort me away from him. Aw, bless.
I always knew that I find it easier to get along with guys but holidaying with guys is so, so easy! I guess it's because there is no competition being the only girl and providing they are decent enough guys, they will look out for you. Sorry to all my girlfriends, but think I might have to make it a habit of mine to only holiday with boys from now on! Mind you, can you really blame me after getting royal treatment like that?!

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe