Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I'm told that Andrew was sure my blog was going to be all about him so I thought I'd better make his day and dedicate a post to him, specially since he is about to fly the coop and all.

First of all, I would just like to say thank you for being an incredibly bad influence on me. Not only did you mange to influence the increase of my cigarette intake back up to what it was in my early teenage years, but you also succeeded in rubbing some of your recreational drug taking habit off onto me. Mind you, it probably was about time I put down my halo and tried out a few new things..

But in all seriousness, it just won't be the same without you around... Who will help me eat all my breakfast/lunch/dinner; spin all our crockery; share my pineapple juice with me; help me get firewood; tell us which Gardenia product we just saw; come and watch Dunc play at Carpark with me; be (almost) as bad as me at mountain biking; hate subway with me; leave joy bar wrappers in our light fittings; eat all my baking? Who, I say?! I think I can safely say that no one will ever be able to fill those size 13 New Balance shoes of yours that have been such a permanent fixture in the lives of us Brown Street inhabitants.

Sayonara, arrivederci, au revoir, hasta la vista - you will be missed by all of us here on the land of the long white cloud. I do hope the Northern Hemisphere takes good care of you and appreciates your company as much as we do.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ideal Job

The other night, Jessie asked me what my ideal job would be. I was unable to come up with a real answer on the spot but it got me thinking...
At the time, all I was able to decide on was that I would love to do something that I was doing for the enjoyment and not for the money. But then you could actually divide the answer into two different categories really, one being ideal in job satisfaction and one that is ideal in monetary return while still enjoying the job, possibly not as much as others that don't pay as well. So I guess the way to get a real answer is to think what job would be ideal, pretending that I would get paid an ideal amount regardless of the profession.
A couple of things I used to want to be (in order of age) were:
  1. Flight Attendant
  2. Actress
  3. Judge
  4. Psychotherapist
  5. Artist
  6. Journalist

Never did I want to be a Loans Analyst. Oops! Half of that list are on the creative side and I think that is a definite sign of something. I've just come to the conclusion that if I am ever to go to university that my ideal degree would probably be something to do with media. English, media studies & drama were all favourites of mine at school and I think the combination of all three possibly equate to something within the realms of journalism.

Well, well, well, thanks Jessie for getting me thinking about what the hell I want to do with my life. No doubt I will come home from my O.E with completely different ideas of where I am headed but for now I'm going to endeavour to pay more attention to the world of media.

Love, Hate

Here are some things that I love:
  • laughing so hard my face and/or stomach hurts
  • hugs from people close to me
  • kisses on my forehead
  • summertime
  • watching a movie that's good enough to keep me thinking about it for hours/days/weeks to follow
  • the tipsy feeling after that first glass or two of wine
  • creme brulee, especially cracking the top of it
  • snowboarding
  • reading a book that is so good I can't put it down but also never want it to end
  • dancing with my eyes closed because I am so into the music
  • going for a walk on a crisp winters day
  • swimming in the sea
  • giving people presents I know they will love
  • wearing a new outfit
  • clean, crisp white sheets
  • travelling
  • lying in bed with that special someone while it's raining outside
  • looking after people I care about
  • being in love

And here are some things that I don't love:

  • people who lie to me
  • being hugged by someone I'm not comfortable with
  • feeling lonely
  • arguing
  • missing someone so much it hurts
  • letting my wall down
  • seeing people I care about upset
  • being shallow
  • when guys get into fist fights
  • the spinning feeling after a night of drinking too much
  • crying so much my eyes hurt
  • when people are extremely needy
  • getting up on Monday mornings
  • people who shit stir
  • waking up from a good dream and discovering it wasn't real
  • being in love when it's not mutual

The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe