Friday, November 23, 2007

Just one of those days

Yesterday was not my day. (Yay another list!)

  • I got a blood nose as soon as I got out of bed
  • I went for a run and overdid it a bit by nearly fainting afterwards, even had to sit down in the shower at one point
  • Discovered I had a bruise and lump on my forehead from the when the lay-z-boy attacked me the night before
  • Got another blood nose
  • And another blood nose
  • Was too drunk and txt someone I shouldn’t have
  • Managed to twist my ankle – which has only just recovered from the last time I sprained it
  • Got the dreaded spins come bedtime

Lets all point and laugh at Tui’s misfortune yesterday, even if some of it was self inflicted... Thankfully today has been better (apart from having a bloody sore ankle!).

1 comment:

duncan said...

Hey! You were having a great time (as far as I could tell) down at Carpark, not to mention being taken out for dinner. It wasn't all bad.

The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe