Friday, November 9, 2007


Because I’m excited about traveling but also starting to fret a bit about things I have to do before I go, I decided I’d share my load a little by telling you all what I have left to sort out. Those of you who are more experienced travelers than myself feel free to respond with anything you think I might need to remember to get/do that I may have overlooked.

  • Go to the doctors to get my vaccinations and sleeping pills
  • Sit my full license so I’m allowed to drive overseas (yes I know, shocking that I’m still on my restricted)
  • Fix and then sell my car (any takers?)
  • Ship my winter/work clothes over to London
  • Get a new credit card so mine doesn’t expire a month after I leave NZ
  • Open an HSBC bank account
  • Get travel insurance
  • Apply for my UK visa - which I excitedly discovered can now be done online
  • Book my Bangkok accommodation – any suggestions Andrew?
  • Buy a pack

Hmmm what else? I’m sure there is tons of other stuff I’ll need to buy but that’s a start. Ooo and I picked up my tickets a few days ago which made it all a bit more real actually having the words Auckland, Melbourne, Bangkok, London printed on a ticket in front of my eyes!!

Also, keep the 19th of Jan free for my birthday/leaving party. Anyone got any ideas for a venue/bar that will be able to accommodate an extra hundred odd people?

Less than 12 weeks to go….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is amazing how quickly the list builds up, and similarly how quickly you can get through it when shortage of time requires you to do so..

re: the pack - get a macpac, even second hand they are well built and will last forever..

and trademe is your friend


The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe