Thursday, July 3, 2014

Travel tidbits

Again, a few notes worth mentioning that we have discussed over the last 8(!!) weeks that I jotted down whilst waiting for our Cruz del Sur bus from Trujillo to Mancora that was delayed by two hours.

- Every second, if not every car here is a taxi
- South American's leave their rubbish out for the street dogs to scavenge through which is why they look so well fed (but the strewn rubbish is sometimes cleaned up by the morning)
- There are areas where the amount of rubbish lining the road is eye watering. 
- Watering the front step of your shop is meant to bring good luck (ie more customers) so you often see people "watering" the road outside their shop/restaurant etc.!
- Bolivian food has been the worst so far, Peruvian the best - yay ceviche!
- Chilean beer is the best, Peruvian & Bolivian on a par as being poor to medium (think Lion Red)
- Cruz del Sur (bus company) is like traveling on an airline but don't believe the hype. For the extra price the service you get isn't much better - average unidentifiable food, movies mostly dubbed over in Spanish with Spanish subtitles (come on, surely one or the other is enough?), long winded safety demos repeated in both Spanish & English, not punctual and their claim of not going over 90kmph is lies as the speedo dings every time they go over, and it dinged a LOT on our last overnight bus trip, making for a very fun sleep for me with only one Valium under my belt 
- Hide your food and wine in your rooms as your cleaner might help themselves to a few biscuits or a whole bottle of wine
- The dry season on the coast usually means overcast/misty (but warmish) days (pre Mancora, now that we have arrived & had some sunshine!)
- No beaches will ever live up to NZ's clear, rubbish free beaches. Huanchaco had dead birds all over the beach :(
- Chile & Bolivian buses are FREEZING, most likely due to the altitude.  Peruvian buses are on the verge of too warm
- You will be charged for everything here. To visit the toilet, to take a photo next to a statue, to walk along a pier etc. Only free thing we have had is a tour of the cocao Museo in Barranco, Lima and we got free samples. Bonus!
- Taxi vans (mini buses) employ someone for the sole purpose of leaning out the open door shouting out where they are going
- Traveling is a constant battle with yourself between enjoying yourself so much you never want it to end and then craving the company of friends and family as well as having a routine with no bag packing and unpacking every few days
- Last but not least, don't take multiple Valium before boarding an overnight bus in case it's two hours late....... Wait until you are on that damn bus first.

Next up, our first beach town experience that was Huanchaco.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe