Thursday, May 8, 2014

First taste of Latin America

It seems that no matter what city you first land in on an overseas adventure, a flood of other travel memories always seem to come rushing back. Santiago isn't what you'd call the star of Chile, but it certainly has plenty of the Latin American feel to it to remind us we are very far from home. The Spanish language takes me back to the month I spent in Spain all those years ago and the dirty, narrow streets crowded with tables and chairs do the same. 

Walking around for the afternoon was about all we could manage after having only slept an hour on the plane, but we livened up a bit at the prospect of a cold cerveza at a local bar recommend by the clerc at our hotel. After trying out a chelada (beer with salt & lime juice) at bar 202 (a little too salty for us amazingly) while the sun slipped behind the buildings, we wandered back toward where we were staying in Providencia - an area you would liken to Kingsland maybe. Upon another recommendation we stopped in at Galindo's to enjoy our first taste of some empanadas, which of course had to be washed down with a bottle of Chilean Carmenere wine. It was simple food but that was our own choice as we weren't quite ready to jump straight into a steak and chips which seems to be the local fare. I was definitely thinking to myself as I read the menu that I'm not sure how long my jeans will fit me. Meat, meat and more meat with a side of fries por favor.  

Speaking of our impending expanding waistlines, we are about to hike the hill next to us this morning to catch a view of the city, instead of taking the easy way out and getting the furnicular (cable car) to the top. Get ready to see some attractive photos of us regretting that decision I'm sure.

Adios amigos.

Bar 202 

Bar 202

Complimentary pisco sours at The Aubrey Hotel


Anonymous said...

Yay cant wait to read more tooz! Xoxo

Unknown said...

Yay, this will be my entertaining reading material to keep me awake during home group in the mornings :D Soooo jealous! Lovely pic of you Tooz, love you xx

Judy L said...

Sounds great so far. Looking forward to our armchair travels. Xx

The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe