Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 3 - Relaxation

After horrifying ourselves by sleeping in until midday due to the extremely effective shutters, we headed straight to the beach, loaded up with fresh fruit, for some much needed sunbathing. Once our sand pillows were built we were able to comfortably watch the numerous surfers in between our naps (as if we hadn´t had enough sleep already!!
Once we´d had a touch too much sun we thought we´d better do something productive with out day so we managed to drag ourselves up to Monte Urgull, the peak boasting a 12m statue of Christ (nowhere actually explaining the reason for it being there) and the ruined Castillo de Santa Cruz, a crumbling castle surround by its original cannons.

Since we´d actually achieved something for the day we figured we were deserving of some drink and food enjoyed with our new found hostel buddies. We´d arranged to go to the dinner at Olga´s (hostel owner) husbands restaurant for what was meant to be the best Paella in town. We´d been told we would be treated like royalty and they weren´t joking. We literally had a 5 course meal which was amazing although by the time the Paella came out we were so full from the mountains of food we´d already consumed so we couldn´t really enjoy the extremely rich Spanish specialty. Nest time it´s Paella and that is it! It was definitely an experience though.

After such a filling meal Kelly and I wanted to curl up then and there and go to sleep but once back at the hostel the others weren´t having any of that so managed to drag us out for one drink. Well, it was amusing I must say, as Kelly and I started to witness the other 6 people couple up, it did mean that we were able to slip out without much of a protest from them though which was handy as we were able to stick to our one drink easily.

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The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe