Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I heart Wellington

I have just returned from the best road trip ever. Friday afternoon Duncan, Andrew and myself embarked on what was to be an nine hour long car journey to Wellington. Armed with treats, drinks, a mixture of Duncan's Drum & Bass, Andrew's Hip Hop & Tui's Miscellaneous Tunes, we were set. Forgetting only one detail, a map, which caused us to go on a slight detour through Whanganui, delaying our otherwise reasonably express trip with us arriving at Ani's place at just after 1am.

Saturday we brunched at Fidels and paired off to wander the city before meeting up again at James & Sonya's apartment to plan the evening ahead. Foods, beverages & dvds were purchased for the night and comedown to follow on Sunday.

Marcus Intalex & Doc Scott put on an awesome show for us at Sandwiches. Being on another planet (see evidence here) may have something to do with my enthusiasm towards the evening but you know what, I don't care because I had an absolutely awesome night which carried on till 7am the next morning. Being greeted by the sunlight as you leave the club is always a sure sign of a night well spent. We coaxed a taxi driver into squeezing 5 of us into a car only to discover we were to go through a police check point. Duncan was made to exit the car prior to the checkpoint and walk past it while we went through it and then looped back around the block to pick him up. The taxi driver then proceeded to try and give us a discount for the "hassle" even though we had nearly cost him his licence and a hefty fine!

Sunday was spent sleeping, eating KFC and icecream, watching movies by the fire and being generally lazy. The perfect way to spend a cold winters day after a big night out.

Monday was time to say farewell to Wellington. A hearty breakfast was had to keep us fuelled for the long trip home before waving our goodbyes to our host Ani and the rest of the city. Nine hours later, feeling weary, we safely returned to Auckland after a fair few stops at toilets and other amenities along the way. Andrew's car was still safely parked at Sylvia Park albeit with 2 parking warnings on his windscreens, thankfully clamp free though.

Although I didn't actually see much of the city itself, mainly just the inside of Ani's house and the inside of Sandwiches, I did however have an awesome time, the great company kept being the main contributor to the fun times had.

Another trip to get me even more excited about my fast approaching departure date. Not as fast as Andrew's departure date though. THREE WEEKS! Sniff..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pet Peeves

According to Wikipedia the def. of a Pet Peeve is a minor annoyance that can instill extreme frustration in an individual. Typically each person has several pet peeves that aggravate her or him more than the average person. Another person may not react as negatively or at all to the same circumstance.

As a general rule they are something that really isn't worth being bothered by but you just cannot help but get wound by peoples certain behaviours. I have compiled a small list off the top of my head that contains some of the things that tend to rub me up the wrong way. They are when people:

  • Get to and too mixed up
  • Don't know the difference between your and you're (this is a recent one of mine, thanks to Duncan..)
  • Don't indicate when driving
  • Drive RIGHT up your / someones ass
  • Squish the toothpaste so its all scrunched up rather than a smooth tube
  • Leave dirty dishes piled in the sink, so much so that you can't use the tap to pour yourself a glass of water

So everyone, watch out next time you are around me and say / perform one of the above, as I may explode out of frustration and bite your head off. What about you though, what do I have to be careful of saying / doing around you? Please tell me so I know I'm not the only crazy person with totally irrational pet peeves.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Highs & Lows

It seems I am on a plateau at the moment... Don't get me wrong I have plenty of things to be excited about.. like:

  • I started a new job today as a Loans Analyst which equals a significant pay rise
  • I have booked my tickets for my O.E. leaving on the 9th of February 2008 (!!!)
  • I am going on a road trip to wonderful Wellington with Duncan & Andrew in two weeks time
  • We are getting a new flatmate next week and she could potentially be another cool new friend
  • It's snowboarding season and I have a season pass waiting to be used

But there just seems to be an equal number of downers making the exciting things seem not so exciting.. like:

  • I am broke from buying my tickets

  • Andrew leaves in just over a month

  • I miss my brother tons

  • I've lost a best friend to his new thang

Ho hum. Just felt like complaining. Looking at my exciting list it is all pretty exciting though I guess. I'll be quiet now...

The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe