Friday, January 16, 2009

Best Year Yet...

Well, well, after all my grand travel blogging plans, haven't I just turned out to be absolutely rubbish at it since my month in Spain. I blame my silence on the fact that I never have any spare time these days which means blog writing tends to get pushed to the bottom of my to do list and then before I know it, a whole six months has passed without a single post.
When I look back at all that I managed to jam into 2008, it's not surprising that time wasn't often available for blogging and also why it was my best year yet. Although it wasn't my best year in a career sense, it was definitely off the scale in the amount of fun had and experiences enjoyed. First off I left my one and only job since leaving high school before I did the big move out of my flat and waved goodbye to all my friends and family to head off overseas.
That's where the experiences began with a week spent in Melbourne and a month travelling solo around Thailand where amongst other things I passed my dive certificate. I then visited London briefly before moving to Haddington in Scotland, where I had two temp jobs and saw various parts of the country, a majority of it during a road trip in the Highlands. Following my three months in Scotland I travelled for a month through Spain and Portugal. Since then I've spent the last six months living in London where I've had about four different temp jobs and lived in three flats.
The six months that I've lived here have been the busiest, with me trying to make the most of the London Life. I feel like I've made a good attempt at making the most by doing lots of the must do things like the London Bus Tour, visiting Portobello, Spitalfields and Borough markets, nights out at Shunt, Fabric and Ministry of Sound, eating curry on Brick Lane, going to the Wimbledon tennis, having Devonshire Tea at Harrods, attending live gigs, shopping on Oxford Street, going to a Roller Disco, spending weekends in Belgium and Paris via the Eurostar, completing a 12km cross country running race, going to the theatre, ice skating outdoors, and spending Christmas in Prague. There was of course a whole lot of drinking and partying time in between/during all those awesome experiences too.
Thanks to everyone who made it a killer year, lets hope 2009 is just as good or even better! It's definitely off to a great start with six weeks of NZ summer coming up which will be a welcome escape from the dreary London winter. Bring on the beach, bbq's and sunshine (and of course all my lovely friends and family who I've missed so much!).

The travel diary of a kiwi gal who loves to spread her wings and explore the globe